The benefits of wool carpet for allergies

Wool carpet is a perfect home carpet choice for those with allergies or respiratory issues such as Asthma, as the natural fibres help to filter the air and absorb VOCs, reducing fine airborne dust particles and allergens. 

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • What makes a wool carpet good for allergies?
  • Which wool carpet is the best for my needs?
  • What do I need to consider when buying a wool carpet?
  • How to care for your wool carpet 

What makes a wool carpet good for allergies?

There are several different reasons as to why wool carpet is the go-to for people with allergies and respiratory issues such as asthma. 

The natural fibre of wool carpet reduces fine airborne dust particles and allergens and helps to filter the air and absorb VOCs, improving the overall air quality of the home which is beneficial for those suffering from dust allergies or respiratory health issues. 

The natural construction of wool carpet helps to prevent fibres from breaking away, entering the atmosphere and being inhaled to set off allergies or cause irritation. This not only makes wool carpet a healthy choice for the home but also makes it long-lasting. 

The hypoallergenic properties of wool carpet improves the consistency of air quality and reduces moisture in carpet meaning dust mites cannot survive. The most common cause of asthma related issues in the home is sensitivities to dust, wool carpet is the perfect choice for allergy and asthma sufferers as dust mites cannot feed or survive in wool carpets. 

The natural lanolin fibres within the wool traps air, making it a natural insulator but also traps dust, pollen, and pet dander minimising the risks of airborne irritants in the home. 

Not only is wool carpet hypoallergenic and non-irritating but it is also easy to clean and maintain which further helps to prevent irritation or allergic reactions. 

Which wool carpet is best for my needs?

Although wool carpet is the best overall home carpet choice for allergy sufferers and those with respiratory illnesses, understanding which type of wool carpet is best for your needs includes considerations around pile type and design finish. 

Cut Pile Carpet 

Cut pile or low pile wool carpet is beneficial to allergy sufferers as there is less chance of carpet fibres breaking off into the air and causing airborne irritants than there is with deep pile carpet. The low pile and clean finish of this carpet type minimises fraying and the chance of irritants and allergens such as pollen, pet dander entering the atmosphere. Not only is cut pile and low pile carpet good for allergies but it is easier to clean than other carpet types, helping to prevent the build-up of dust particles and allergens within the carpet fibres.

Loop Pile carpet

Traditional wool Loop Pile carpet is another great choice for asthmatics, eczema sufferers and those with allergies including dust, pet, and pollen. This is due to the fact that a looped carpet design can help to trap particles and allergens within the fibres acting like a natural filter for the air in your home and improving the overall air quality in your home. The wool composition of this carpet means that moisture cannot build up in the carpet, preventing the occurrence of mould, bacteria, and dust mites.

Sheep’s wool carpet

Carpet made from sheep’s wool is one of the highest quality carpet types available. The natural lanolin in sheep’s wool has antibacterial properties and also acts a sealant and protective barrier against moisture preventing the build-up of mould and bacteria and repels dust particles and spores from penetrating the carpet fibres. 

Although people can be allergic to wool itself, this is extremely rare and in fact, the coarse fibres of sheep’s wool prevent any fraying and breakaway of carpet fibres that could cause irritation or allergies, and therefore improves the indoor air quality reducing asthma triggers and proving to be a great wool carpet for respiratory issues. 

Cashmere Goat’s wool carpet

The robust hair of Cashmere Goats means that Cashmere wool carpet is hard-wearing and durable with limited fraying and maintenance issues. Popular Cashmere wool carpet such as the wide range of Cashmere carpet from the renowned Tretford company, is made from natural fibre with a ribbed construction that is of the highest quality. 

The quality, natural materials, and ribbed construction of Tretford cashmere carpet prevents dirt and bacteria being carried through the home and also helps to reduce accidents and slips making them the most popular Cashmere wool carpet choice for the home, not just for allergy sufferers and those with respiratory issues but for those with other needs and considerations such as the best carpet for homes with pets and children.  

Although goat’s wool does not have a lanolin coating, it does have an equivalent which acts in the same manner to protect the natural carpet fibres and repel bacteria, dust, dirt, pollen and pet dander.

What do I need to consider when buying a wool carpet?

Although 100% wool carpet is the best choice for allergy sufferers and those with respiratory issues, there are disadvantages and considerations you need to understand before you purchase your wool carpet. 

Wool is not naturally moth-proof or moth-resistant. So, if you do choose to purchase a wool carpet for your home, you will need to decide if you would like a treated moth resistant carpet or non treated. Look at our wool ranges and for the moth icon for a carpet that has been moth repellent treated with Ecolan. Regular cleaning and vacuuming are easy preventative measures against moths in your wool carpet. 

The other consideration when buying a wool carpet is the price. Wool carpet is typically more expensive than wool blend or synthetic carpet choices such as nylon and polypropylene. However, the anti-allergen and antibacterial properties of wool carpet and the benefits of wool carpet being durable and long-lasting typically outweighs the price point.

How to care for a wool carpet

Wool carpet is typically low maintenance and easy to clean. Wool carpet is naturally stain-resistant with its impenetrable lanolin coated wool fibres acting as a sealant and a barrier for stains and dirt. Regular vacuuming is important particularly for wool carpet as it prevents dust from settling and penetrating the natural lanolin coating of your carpet. 

All our wool and wool mix carpets come with the availability of a Wool Owner’s Warranty (WOW), which provides professional aftercare and cleaning for owners of wool and wool rich home carpets.

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